2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
2014 |
2013 |
2019 |
Article on CCS (including CO2-DISSOLVED) published in the web edition of the local newspaper « La République du Centre » (in French) The article "Stockage géologique du CO2 : quand la terre sauve le ciel / CO2 geological storage: when the earth saves the sky" can be read in full and downloaded as a pdf here |
4-page article in the "CCUS in Europe" issue (n° 69 May-June 2019) entitled "CO2-DISSOLVED: combining CO2 geological storage with geothermal heat recovery " The article can be read in full and downloaded as a pdf here |
Cover + article in the "CCUS in the US" issue (n°68 March-April 2019) entitled "Pi-CO2: Cost-Efficient Aqueous Carbon Capture". The article can be read in full and downloaded as a pdf here |
2018 |
Article "Une solution pour les petits émetteurs de CO2 / A solution for small CO2 emitters" (in French) The article can be read in full and downloaded as a pdf here |
Article "Coupler stockage du CO2 dissous et Géothermie" (in French) published in the SGF review Géologues no.196, pages 89 à 95. The article can be read in full and downloaded as a pdf here or at the bottom of this page, in the 'Attached files' section |
2017 |
The follow-up project PILOTE CO2-DISSOLVED was announced in the 2016 BRGM annual report. Objective: Capture the CO2 emitted from an industrial plant, then inject it in dissolved form for permanent storage in a deep saline aquifer, whilst also recovering heat via a geothermal doublet for local use (e.g. at industrial facility for processing, supply to a heating network, etc.) Read the English version online here (page 46) |
"Quand le stockage de CO2 s’associe à la géothermie / When CO2 storage is combined with geothermal energy" (in French) Read or download the pdf here |
2016 |
The main results of the CO2-DISSOLVED project are presented in a two-page article in the 2015 edition of the BRGM annual report (pp.48-49). In the "Geological Storage" chapter, our project is highlighted as a 'flagship project' developing an alternative to massive centralized storage, as underlined by Pierre Toulhat, BRGM Deputy Managing Director and Scientific Director (p. 45): "An alternative solution now emerging is to use smaller storage units in geothermal reservoirs located close to certain industrial sources of CO2 emissions. The idea is to develop small-scale injection systems into geothermal reservoirs whose properties are known, as many are already used to supply heating networks. The BRGM has begun work on this idea with the CO2 Dissolved project." The article can be read online and downloaded here (p48-49) or downloaded as a pdf at the bottom of this page, in the 'Attached files' section.
Following the press release announcing the end of the CO2-DISSOLVED project and the ATEE conference, Vaéry Laramée de Tannenberg, journalist at Le Journal de l'Environnement, interviewed Christophe Kervévan (BRGM), coordinator of the CO2-DISSOLVED project, and wrote this article presenting some key results of the project as well as possible outcomes. A full copy of this article is provided here, courtesy of Le Journal de l'Environnement.
Immediatelly following the press release announcing the end of the CO2-DISSOLVED project and the ATEE conference, this article based on the text of the press release was published on-line on March 30th in the IT newsletter. |
Following the press release announcing the end of the CO2-DISSOLVED project and the ATEE conference, Matthieu Combe, journalist for theTechniques de l'ingénieur website interviewed Christophe Kervévan (BRGM), coordinator of the CO2-DISSOLVED project, and wrote an article presenting some of the main results of the project and announcing the forthcoming "PILOTE CO2-DISSOLVED" project, funded by Geodenergies. The full text of this paper is accessible here.
"Le BRGM veut lever les obstacles économiques à la séquestration du CO2" (in French) |
2015 |
This report presents the key results of this conference. The theme of this 9th edition was ‘Horizon CO2 storage’ in reference to the new European Framework Programme Horizon 2020 which will support research and innovation for decarbonisation including CCS. Among the key results highlighted in this report, the CO2-DISSOLVED project is presented as a way to offset the costs of CCS due to the geothermal energy recovery. The CO2-DISSOLVED results presented at this conference (presentation available here) focused on the compatible industrial sites that could be potentially targeted for a future pilot project. The full report can be downloaded here. |
2014 |
In this journal, which is the French edition of Scientific American, an article by Steven L. Bryant presented a "way to make carbon storage pay" by proposing to combine injection of dissolved CO2 in deep geothermal brines of the U.S. Gulf Coast with both heat and methane extraction. Some similarities with the CO2-DISSOLVED concept in terms of combination of dissolved CO2 injection and recovery of geothermal energy can be noticed, even though the geological context has to be really specific in Bryant's proposal to be applicable. The BRGM was asked by a Pour la Science's journalist about the existence of similar studies in France. It was mainly answered (click on image beside) |
Géoscopie is the tool of the AVENIA competitive cluster dedicated to technological watch on Geosciences. In this month review of the press, an article (in French) presenting the CO2-DISSOLVED project is published. This article refers to the presentation of the project recently added to both the French and the English versions of the BRGM website. |
Meanwhile, another article also presenting the MIRAGES-2 experiment was published on the eureka website, which is dedicated to presenting the research and inovation activities in the Lorraine region, where the GeoRessources lab is located. This article, in French, is accessible here. |
2013 |
In the chapter devoted to CCS and its valorization, CO2-DISSOLVED is cited as one of the projects funded by the ANR (French National Research Agency) in the framework of its 2012 SEED call for proposals. This chapter (in French), where the CO2-DISSOLVED paragraph was highlighted in yellow, can be downloaded in the "Attached files" paragraph below. The full report (in French) can be downloaded here. |
In the BRGM 2012 annual report, a reference to the CO2-DISSOLVED project was included on page 53 (comprising an illustration of the concept on page 52, also used in the homepage of this website) among the highlights of the "Geological Storage of CO2" chapter. This short article can be viewed by clicking on the two images below. The full BRGM annual report can be dowloaded here.
A short article presenting the CO2-DISSOLVED project was written on demand and published in November 2013 in the issue #28 of the ENeRG newsletter. ENeRG (European Network for Research in Geo-Energy) is an informal contact network open to all European organisations who have a primary mission and objective to conduct basic and applied research and technological activities related to the exploration and production of energy sources derived from the Earth’s crust. This issue of the newsletter can be downloaded below. The article on CO2-DISSOLVED is on page 3. |
Following the CO2-DISSOLVED team participation at the Sustainable Earth Sciences (SES) 2013 conference organized by the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE), we were pleased to see that the CO2-DISSOLVED concept was mentioned as one of the “many great ideas [that] came up” during the conference. This report, where the CO2-DISSOLVED paragraph was highlighted in yellow, can be viewed by clicking on the image below or downloaded here. |
Dernière mise à jour le 13.09.2019